Savage was at Gosden for three and a half years before coming to the College in September 1934. He was a member of Sheephouse Games House, House Captain, and Scout Troop. He was appointed a Prefect in 1940 and Head Prefect in September 1941. He obtained his Oxford School Certificate in July 1939. Savage left school to take up a Government Engineering Cadetship, and on successfully completing the training was appointed a midshipman in the Royal Navy. Some months after taking up his appointment he had a break-down in health. He was on sick leave when he was admitted to hospital for treatment for an illness which proved fatal. He died on 22nd October 1945 at the age of 21 years. To his mother and his brother, Geoffrey, who is an officer in the Merchant Navy, we express our deepest sympathy and deplore the passing of a young life at the outset of a promising career.
(Extract from The Sower December 1945)