British Schools and Universities Foundation Inc
Gifts from USA Residents
If USA residents wish to make a gift to the College and benefit from a US income tax deduction, you may make a donation to the British Schools and Universities Foundation Inc. This is a charitable donation and is recognized by the US Internal Revenue Service under Section 501 (c) (3) of their codes.
The BSUF’s Federal ID number is 13-616-1189. You should express a preference for Lord Wandsworth College in your transmittal letter but your cheque should be made out to the British Schools and Universities Foundation. These preferences are respected by the BSUF but all grants are made at its sole discretion, as required by the IRS.
The British Schools and Universities Foundation has formally approved Lord Wandsworth College as a full member.
Please visit the website –
The BSUF is a charitable organization founded over 40 years ago to enable US residents to suuport British Schools and Universities in a tax efficient manner.
They represent over 100 schools and universities including Bedford, Eton, Harrow, Oundle, and Rugby. Our membership will entitle you to receive full tax exemption status.
Please make your cheques payable to the British Schools and Universities Foundation but send them to David Webber who will pass them on to the BSUF, including an overall ‘expression of preference’ for Lord Wandsworth College in his transmittal letter. If you wish to have the tax deduction with the current calendar year, you should send your gift by the 30th November.
If you have any questions, please contact:
David Webber
4 Tods Driftway,
Old Greenwich,
CT 06870,
Telephone: 203 637 1158